What if you could clear your mind of all the clutter and finally relax so deeply that all your stress and tension melt away?
Are any of the following true for you?
- You’re tired all day, but when you finally get to sleep at night, your brain is in overdrive and you can’t rest.
- You’re constantly exhausted, or your adrenaline levels are high – you can’t seem to settle into life.
- You’ve tried meditation, yoga, journaling, and more—but you can’t quiet your mind long enough to feel the benefits, or you find it tiring to do these exercises, or you don’t even have the time because the day is just consists of 24 hours…
- You’ve tried several options, but nothing seems to help you relax.
What changes can the treatment bring?
- thinking is reduced
- reducing fear, anxiety, stress, clearing the mind
- you can get into deep relaxation, it helps to overcome depression
- your mental, emotional, physical and energetic blocks dissolve
- your level of awareness rises
- your thinking smooths out
- helps you experience the joy of acceptance
- improving sleep, waking up refreshed and full of energy
- human relationships improve and heal
- enhances the ability to create new opportunities in all areas of life
- to gift the body with more peace and joy
- it can bring changes in children’s behavior, learning, sports and exam performance
- you will become able to accept
- you get more and more opportunities for a happier and more complete life
- and what else is possible?
Before Access Bars
You stomp in one place. Change remains a desire, as if you are chained down, you are not moving forward. Soaring, lightness, and joy are unknown to you. You keep focusing only on problems, the past, understanding.

After Access Bars
If you regularly receive Access Bars, everything will be easier. You look at life situations differently. Judgment ceases and you no longer create your life from limitations. There will be space again in you and around you.
„At worst, you’ll feel like you got a good head massage, but at best, your whole life can change!”
Gary Douglas, founder of Access
Access Bars are 32 points on your head that, when gently touched, can effortlessly and easily release thoughts, ideas, beliefs, emotions and considerations that are holding you back from creating the life you want.

What others are saying, what Access Bars has done for them:
A more peaceful mind | Greater relaxation | Better outlook on life | Stress Relief | Space to charge your body | Increased energy and creativity
What is it like to receive an Access Bars treatment?
Access Bars® can feel like pressing the delete button on your computer’s overcrowded hard drive—only this time it creates more space in your brain. You can let go of things like negative thought patterns and the endless mental monologue that keeps you up at night and create space for the peace you seek.